The Skyhawk View

October 2022 Volume 5, Issue 2

Issue Table of Contents

Faculty Feature: Just Give in: Sacrificing it All for the Cats in My Life

By Amy Jakobsen

I’m a cat lover from way back. There were often 5 or more kittens running around on my grandparents’ farm. As soon as I could walk, I would follow the cats and kittens around and subject them to unwanted attention and attempts at snuggling. My husband and I have lived with a total of four cats (and two rabbits) over the course of over 21 years. We adopted our current resident cat, Maddie, 10 years ago when she was about 2 years old. She is a sweet, shy, fluffy black cat. 

As an adult, I have learned to be more subtle in my approach to cats. I reach out a hand, make a quiet shushing noise, offer a treat, crouch, or lie flat on the ground to lure the cat toward me. If these efforts fail, I try to accept that the cat just isn’t that into me and move on with my life. A true cat person knows that a cat’s love is a gift.

My husband Kenny is also a cat lover and we live in a cat-centered household. It’s easy to let a cat take over your life. Like children who never grow up, cats are wholly dependent on you to meet their needs for survival and companionship. I can count on my cat to make her needs and preferences known through yowling, rubbing against me, sandpaper-tongue kisses, and bopping me lightly about the face and mouth with a litter-crusted paw.  

Despite their demands, our cats have been somewhat responsive to boundaries over the years. We have gotten them into routines for eating, playing, and sleeping at different points in time. We are well aware that a lack of routines and boundaries can lead to lost sleep, broken dishes and knick-knacks, sharing food and water without your consent, sitting still for hours to avoid disturbing a sleeping cat, surprise guests in virtual meetings, no privacy anywhere…the list goes on. 

With all of that said, we decided that cat rules were not a good fit for our family. The world is tough enough. Why not create a complete paradise for your furry little buddy? The cats who darken the doors to our home do whatever they want. They drink out of any glass, sleep uninterrupted on laps, have supervised time outside, and eat snacks on demand. We have indulged in cat strollers, tents, automated toys, and a custom-made cat patio off the guest room window. We are all in. You can’t beat the pure joy of watching a happy cat. 



